Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Ch4 Thousands of victims found each other in 1990s when the internet arrived, throwing off Vatican plans to get away with harboring pedophiles

 (This chapter starts with first "listservs" on Internet where the first victims found each other and realized, "I was not the only one as my local bishop told me.") all the way to the movie "Spotlight" coming out.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Ch3 Track the rise of hate in USA in reactions to my blog about pedophile priests 2011 to present, they coincide

Kay Ebeling

Pick up your trauma and make it a sword - Angela Shelton

Berkeley Springs WV to Chicago to Antelope Valley to Lake Tahoe

“The Moon landing was faked, everyone knows that.”

I stared at him, his pinkish white face, trimmed hair, government issue quality eyeglasses, and asked, “Didn't you say you were an engineer?”

“NASA Goddard Spaceflight Center thirty years retired,” he said proudly. He was beaming at me with an impish look. 

“But…” I was uncharacteristically mum.

That was first time I encountered the phenomenon of smart Americans repeating goofy disinformation, which has become an epidemic causing permanent damage in our nation today.  

Ch2 He said he would not have sex with a virgin so I…

By Kay Ebeling, "America sided with the pedophile priests, and soon after, the nation fell" is an online book in progress [this is not final draft]

I put off writing this story for decades as I did not want to hurt or embarrass my children. Today I never hear from either of them, so why not

I was in the backseat of our 1955 Ford, my attorney father bought a new Ford every year back then.  I was about age six so the front seat loomed large in front of me. I remember the hats, two men in those 1950s hats were in the front seat, one must have been my father. We were driving from Bartlett east to Chicago.

To the Cardinal’s mansion.

When I went to Chicago in 2011 to find evidence to prove my case from 1954-5, only conclusive proof I found was the Cardinal’s Mansion.

Since I first discovered other pedophile priest victims online in the late nineties, I’d been describing the trip I took to the Cardinal's Mansion where the archbishop at that time stood over me and told me to stop babbling about what Father Horne had done to me, it's even on top of the page of the blog sites I wrote about the crimes, like here at CofA3.


CofA3 2007: L.A. Clergy Cases

Cardinal Stritch stood over me in 1955 in Chicago and said I had to stop "babbling" about what Father Horne had done to me. So I kept quiet for 40 years. Now in my late 50s -- I babble.


Now across from Lincoln Park, there it was, the place where the Cardinal told me to stop babbling, exactly like I’d remembered since age six.

You walk up steps to the entryway where to the right is a room, a window faces west. I was in that room in 1955 and now in 2011 I was standing outside on the street looking at the building.


I couldn't do any more. I wanted to knock on the door say hey let me in I need to trigger memories. But I didn't, I thought I'd come back in a few weeks. Then I had to get back to L.A. right away due to an emergency with my daughter that, now, I wonder if it was caused by the Church, but I can't prove that. 

I’d been in Chicago for almost a year, I’d gone to several archdiocese properties, trying to trigger memories. And I'd been writing about it at my blog telling everyone what I was doing.... 

When I went to St. Peter Damien church in Bartlett where Thomas Barry Horne the molester was the first pastor in 1949, I kind of went nuts trying to find the rectory where it happened. It had been covered with an asphalt parking lot and new buildings covered the lot, the church had doubled in size. I think for a while I was going around and around in circles in the parking lot where the rectory would have been.  One time I went to a Mass and I So Wanted to call out “this church was founded by a pedophile priest.” I don't think I did though.

Only thing in Bartlett / Chicago that brought up any memories was the sky, the gray overcast sky. That's about the only thing that bore any resemblance to what Bartlett and Chicago had been like in 1955.

So nothing triggered anything.

Until I stood in front of the Cardinal’s Mansion and saw through the windows into  where the meeting with my dad and the Cardinal and the other man took place, exactly like I’d been remembering it for years.


Father Horne aroused me so much I couldn't stop telling people about it, and the way adults reacted when I spoke or demonstrated it to them confused me.  Because It Felt So Good, I wanted to tell the world.

At one point I joined the kids in the neighborhood up in a treehouse and … [deep breath] pulled up my dress and showed them how to touch themselves so they could feel this wonderful way too. So I became the kid other kids could not play with. 

At a Brownies meeting in Bartlett, we were pasting feathers on construction paper turkeys for Thanksgiving and I said something. God, I can only imagine what I said. The Brownie leader was apoplectic, picked me up and put me out the door to the entryway to wait for my mom to pick me up. I visited the park in 2011 and it's exactly like I remember it, but never got the nerve to try to find someone in town who knew me when. Because everything had changed so much.

I couldn't even find the home we used to live in on US 20. We’d owned 20 acres, our house was an old mansion, I guess, my dad was a lawyer, we were not at all poor. I asked a woman to drive me there in 2011 and even the highway had been rerouted; everywhere that might have been our old home was covered with suburban development.


I was getting into a bathtub with my mom watching, at some point after the incidents in Chicago with Father Horne-y as I've grown to love to call him. I think it was after we moved to California. I'm pretty sure the trip to the mansion in '55 was because my dad was getting a settlement, pretty sure the pedophile priest crime against me financed the family move to California, because we ended up in San Marino and… I mean- At my settlement hearing in 2011 in Chicago, church lawyers made comments that made me think I would not get a large settlement because the Archdiocese had already paid off my father... 

As I got older, my dad always had a guilty look on his face when he realized again how screwed up my sister and I were in the ways we related to boyfriends.


So I was likely eight years old when I was getting out of the bathtub and my mom said, “Oh Kathy, if you keep eating so much no boy is ever going to like you.”

Within months I’d gone from size 12 to having to shop at Lane Bryant’s for fat girls.

Then I reached puberty and apparently remembered what my mom had said and-

I was one of the first girls in USA to get anorexia. 

A dentist used his tool to blow on my gums and they went wobble wobble wobble. "Hmm," he said, "I've heard about this." Anorexia did not yet even have a name. My mom stood to the side with her vacant eyes and said nothing.

Seventh grade so 1961 (?). I was determined to get thin because I was ready for the boys to start liking me.


Losing my virginity... 

I met a drummer in my junior or senior year of high school, his name was Animal. He was older, lived in a mother-in-law unit behind his mother’s house in Temple City and he often had court appointments because of something, it didn't matter, I fell in love with Animal.

I kept climbing on top of him doing what a 16 year old girl knows to do to seduce a boy but he tossed me aside, saying “I can't have sex with a virgin.”

He had a friend who lived in a tiny studio up by Caltech in Pasadena. I showed up there unexpected and proceeded to get him onto his bed or couch and … rape him, I guess you could say, forced him to have sex with me.

He was still sitting on the mattress stunned as I dressed and left and drove away.  I might have even gone straight from there to Animal’s house.


I never would have done that if not for Father Horne. 

It's only now as an old lady I realize how much I missed out on, like the joy of romance, marriage, children, grand children now, instead I never hear from anyone in my family.

"How could you say such awful things about a wonderful man like Father Horne?" my aunt said to me. 

I would have never been that person if it had not been for Father Horne and his horny out of control behavior.


There were many other incidents. If it had been 1980 or later, I’d have been taken out of junior high class and escorted to a mental health therapist to find out who’d been molesting this child making her behave that way.

At one point the family moved from San Marino to New York City and back again in less than a year.  When I left San Marino, they used to tease me calling “Tubby Ebolino is a fat tangerino” that's the taunt I remember most. I was a fat kid in a Southern California town full of rich snobs, it was pretty awful.

But it was in New York in 8th grade for one year that I started to drop weight so fast that by the time we came back, I was like a size two, wearing flashy clothes.

Thin now I was accepted in San Marino.

So when we all filed into the auditorium one day, I was able to sit with the popular girls first time ever.

The popular boys were in front of us.

I was wearing a straight tight pencil-type skirt.

As the presentation was taking place on the stage, I started sinking down low in my seat so I could spread my legs and I spread them.

The boys in the row saw and turned and were going wha--- the popular girls were shocked and turning beet red.

I sank lower, exposing myself to the boys, the skirt went higher and higher- I was so horny and I don't think I even knew what horny was, I had no control, it was just something I was compelled to do.

Then I was not popular anymore.


I would have never been that person. If not for Father Horne. He aroused me at age six.

There's more shocking stuff, mostly from when I got older. I think this is enough for this chapter.


I'm with my sister Patricia who was also diddled by Father Horne and went on to be a topless / bottomless dancer and help run the annual Hookers and Dancers Ball in San Francisco for several years.

She’s 5.5 years older than me and in this memory I must have been starting to erupt into a monster soon after reaching puberty.

I kept bugging Patsy as we called her back then. “Do you know what I mean? When a boy touches you over the pants it feels better than when he goes into my pants. Why is that, do you know why that is?”

She got so uncomfortable.

I followed her as she abruptly got up to get away from me.

“Why is that, why do I like it better when they touch me over my pants than inside?”

She got so mad at me, glared at me in outrage, and I finally stopped asking.

I remembered later, Father Horne diddled me over my pants.

But having Cardinal Stritch stand over me and tell me to stop babbling about being molested caused me to not clearly remember what happened until forty years later.


(stay tuned)

The sex parts are what's kept me from writing this entire project. Now I'm going to tell it all. This online book is part reporter covering the Clergy Cases, part watching USA fall apart now, and part my screwed up life. Chapter Three is next and I really need to slow down, so give me a week... 


Monday, September 16, 2024

Ch 1 I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be at this moment- America Sided w Pedophile Priests, and soon after, the nation fell

by Kay Ebeling 

Orwell wrote "1984" in 1948 while isolating over a cold winter in Northern Scotland. I was born in 1948 and have to write this book before I die.


Los Angeles 2007

The apartment where my daughter and I lived in East Hollywood felt like a squat. One wall had no drywall in several places, and we used the exposed interior as shelves. The landlord had removed a broken air conditioner and never replaced it so there was a hole in the wall near the ceiling that let outdoor air in.

I was on the upsweep; I finally had a reason to dress like a professional again, because about a thousand lawsuits were going through L.A. Superior Court over pedophile priests. Since the mid nineties when I found out my sister and I were far from the only victims, that actually ours was one of hundreds of thousands of stories, I’d been trying to find a way to be an activist on the issue.

Now I had my brand new laptop that I’d only been able to buy because the writers strike had kept support staff like me out of work for months, and the lump sum check from Unemployment meant I finally could afford a computer I could carry with me. I started a blog and started covering the cases as well as I could.

Priest defense atty Steier

I’d been going to hearings with a notepad and pen, now I’d be like the reporters I’d see from the Times and Star News, clacking keyboard keys instead of scribbling illegible notes like me, using a Notehand course I’d taken in phonetic writing in about 1967.

Then I’d post paragraphs like this on my blog:

He was tall and thin and wore bow ties, and he was packing up his laptop to leave just as the hearing started.

While counsel for plaintiffs stood before the judge detailing obstruction of justice the Archdiocese carried out against pedophile priest victims, the court beat reporter from the L.A. Times was packing up to leave. And he was the only journalist there besides me. 

The judge said something like: “So the monsignor encountered the priest who then scampered into the woods to hide, then a nine-year-old boy came out of the rectory with blood running down his legs, and now defendant will not produce the monsignor for deposition?” to which plaintiff’s attorney emphasized, “Yes, your honor.”

I grabbed the L.A. Times guy’s arm and asked, “Why are you leaving?”

“Phil Spector!” he stage whispered and scampered out of the courtroom to cover the celebrity murder trial up the street. ***

The Times reporter left with his two thousand dollar laptop and I stayed at the hearing, scribbling notes into a dime store notepad.  (Read the whole blog post here )

Now with my laptop and blazer jacket with shoulder pads, I was in the courtroom.

As if I did it all the time, I opened the computer and looked around. Several lawyers for both the church and plaintiffs were unpacking documents, but in the gallery, there were no other news people.

On the way from the subway, I’d passed the criminal courts building where the same gaggle of about a hundred reporters were waiting for Phil Spector to arrive for his murder trial.

Now I was still the only reporter writing about the pedophile priest cases.  

I got to write sentences and paragraphs like this that otherwise would never see the light of day:

Not less than 11 children at several different parishes and hospitals that were molested by Clinton Hagenbach throughout his career have come forward. At his parish assignment, Hagenbach regularly had boys alone with him in his rectory bedroom in which he maintained a fraternity house like environment that was obvious to parish staff and fellow priests. 

And this

THE COURT: So pedophilia is protected by the right of privacy?

CHURCH ATTORNEY HELDT: Yes, Sexual behavior --

THE COURT: Of any kind?

HELDT: Well it has to be in a private setting. . .

And this

PROOF: Santa Barbara was Dumping Ground for problem priests. PROOF: Franciscan sex crime ploys continue in 2009


At the end of one afternoon of hearings, I sat on a bench in the hall and Donald Steier who represented priests was talking animatedly with Anthony DeMarco, the most ubiquitous attorney for the plaintiffs in L.A.

They were talking quietly but I could hear them. Today in 2024 I don't remember the exact words, I just remember that what I was hearing them say was telling me a lot about where the cases were headed in the next weeks. They might have been letting me hear them on purpose.

As I sat there I was overwhelmed with a feeling:

This is exactly where I am supposed to be right now. Everything in my life led me to where I am right now and there is nothing more important I could do than to produce this blog telling a story no one else seems to be telling, the truth about pedophile priest crimes.

That period I was able to do City of Angels Blog, 2007-2011, was the best I’d felt about myself as a professional since I’d had to leave NASA in Houston in 1984 after I’d made such a scandal of myself in their public affairs office.  Hopefully this online book will get to that part of the story. It all ties in.

I say “able to do” the blog because, honestly, do you think a global corporate entity as powerful as the Roman Catholic Church was going to let a washed up writer in L.A. blog about their crimes without harassing her?

COMING NEXT: Chapter Two 

"He said he would not have sex with a virgin so I…" 


Please consider supporting this online book as I write it by clicking on the PayPal button top right column. -ke


Meanwhile you might want to read this, first post at CofA blog covering the cases: 

First post at City of Angels Blog, re Jan 16, 2007, hearing, L.A. Superior Court,

As I sat down to write this the Massage on 102.3 FM played Donnie McClurkin’s Speak To My Heart, the angelic voices singing:
Speak To My Heart, Holy Sprit
Give me the words that will bring new life
And I knew once again nothing happens in God’s world by mistake.

This morning, Jan 16, there was a lot of activity in Superior Court Los Angeles County where L.A. Judge Haley Fromholz is overseeing the disposition of about 150 civil cases against the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Los Angeles. For the past month and until June when the first actual trial begins the judge is hearing motions, seven today, as many as nine scheduled on another day next week. The calendar can change.

This is all real new to me. When I got to the building I even put the things I didn't want the security guards to see in my pockets before going through the metal detectors and then found out I had to empty my pockets.

Inside Haley Fromholz’ court a flurry of attorneys stood before the judge and the lawyer representing the church went into a round of argument that was so circular: something like: “The subpoena is not the proper tool for information like this and yet we've been subpoenaed with these subpoenas. . .”

Did Fromholz’s eyebrow go up? The judge said, “And that leads to what conclusion? You've raised this matter before.”

The attorney sputtered a bit and then said something like, “Well your honor this is premature, consider the Cooley case, (See “How the Church hid the sins of Father Cooley” Cincinnati Enquirer, April 14 2002) where records were subpoenaed in the same way and that case is under appeal and don’t you think we should wait for the Court of Appeals to rule on Wempe?”

I’m seeing Alice in Wonderland characters dancing around that pole.

But Fromholz stops him: “Are you citing the Cooley case when it has not been cited before?”
“Why hasn’t it been cited before?”
Then the archdiocese attorney went into right to privacy argument: “We don’t want to commit the crime of denying the privacy rights of the priest?”

Here is where I want to jump up and scream what about the crime of child molestation! But luckily the attorney for the plaintiff has a more stable mind than I do and says, “We feel that child sex abuse outweighs the privacy issue.”

Judge Fromholz says, “Mm-hmm. I’ll take it under advisement.”

Next case is the one my friend and fellow priest rape survivor Mike in Arizona is filing and the church has been really nasty to him in the last year. Now they have the audacity to come before the judge with a motion for summary judgment.
(John Joseph Daly: Accused of abuse of 16 yr old boy in 1977. Arrested. Case dropped after bishop visited DA. Died 1989. Civil suit filed 2002. Moved several times by diocese. -- Bishop Accountability Source:
LA Times 8.10.05; San Diego Union Tribune 8.16.02; Union Tribune 5.27.06Union Tribune 6.22.06Union Tribune 10.18.06 -- Bishop Accountability)

In this case Mike’s lawyers have sworn testimony that the pedophile priest Father John Joseph Daly had a rap sheet back in 1977 that apparently showed other child molest charges against him. Even though the arresting officer has given sworn testimony that he received a telex in his 1977 police station office in Imperial County with Father Daly’s police record as a child molester --

The rap sheet, the record of Father Daly’s arrests, has mysteriously disappeared. Instead the only paper evidence left is memos written in 1985 where apparently Father Daly was admonished by Bishop Straling for bringing young transients to stay in the little room he had behind the CD(?) at Hopeville in Imperial County.

I’m taking notes like crazy. In Mike’s case he and a friend were hitchhiking in 1977 and picked up by Father Daly who took them to this place and raped them. Apparently the good priest was still an active pedophile in 1985 and as the bishop wrote in the memos, How could you be so stupid to still be bringing young transients in to stay at Hopeville when you have these “prior incidents of an explosive nature”?

Plural “incidents” “Explosive nature,” words in the bishop’s memo, oops forgot to shred that one. Doesn't that mean there could have been more than one incident? Isn’t that what plural means? Does this show there was more than one incident even before 1977 and the church knew? The lawyers argue.

I’m still trying to grapple with mysteriously disappearing arrest records from 1977 when the lawyers start talking about more document destruction by the Catholics. Did they even have shredders back in 1977?

Apparently Monsignor Callahan of San Diego has admitted in depositions to Mike's attorneys that he destroyed plenty of personnel records in 1994. Someone defended this file destruction as “not sex abuse reports but Servants of the Paracletes reports.”

I’m going “What?!!!!” and writing exclamation points and arrows all over my notes. The Servants of the Paracletes is where the Catholic Church used to send its pervert priests for a few decades, back in the 70s, a lush ranch in New Mexico. When a deviant priest in the U.S. had just too many complaints against him back then he was sent to this New Mexico haven to bask in hot mineral baths and be cured of his pedophilia, then in most cases sent back to the community to serve again as a priest.

Servants of the Paraclete records ARE sex abuse records and here these lawyers are casually saying in open court that the church admitted to destroying piles of them, boxes of records, gotten rid of in 1994, because someone in the Catholic hierarchy must have seen the Boston cases coming, and this whole problem was about to boil over, so in Archdioceses across the country the clerics were scrambling to get rid of any evidence of child sex molestation they could find.

Now they're arguing: Did Monsignor Callahan destroy Father Daly’s files in 1994? How will we ever know?

Attorneys for the archdiocese: Well no one really knows if he destroyed Father Daly’s records or not , do they now, since those records were destroyed and those records aren’t there any more so “unfortunately those are the records we have to live with today.” That's honestly what one of the archdiocese attorneys put forth.

I have to stop a minute to mention there were three very powerful and physically dominating lawyers there to argue this motion, while the small demeanored and rather soft-spoken Anthony De Marco stood up alone and represented Mike, who can’t afford to travel to L.A. for all these hearings.

Fromholz said he’d take it under advisement.

There was more discussion about how can we prove the Catholic church has a pattern of sending errant priests out to remote locations such as Hopeville in San Bernardino County, and I want to jump up and say just Google it. That story has been written at least 500 times now since the Boston cases broke in 2002. Over and over again the church, when faced with a deviant pedophile priest, has been proved in court to have moved the perpetrator to a rural area, where he could pursue his proclivities pretty much unnoticed. It happened in Iowa, lliniois, Oregon, Northern California, the Southern California desert, Nevada, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Maine, and now with the American press starting to pursue them, they are moving the pedophile priests to Third World countries where they can continue preying.

It happened in my case when the Chicago Archdiocese in 1949 transfered Father Thomas Barry Horne from the city to rural Bartlett to set up St. Peter Damian church.

I look over at the guy from the L.A. Times and again, during times I am scribbling and drawing exclamation points in my notes he’s not even writing. He takes his notes at different times. Real journalists can’t print everything. You can't tell the whole story in eight column inches. I’m almost glad to be unemployable and out of work so blogging it.

Judge Fromholz is taking it all under advisement.

Next came more motions, one where the church is trying to say that officers and managers of the church didn't even know what the priests were doing. One motion reflects the pain the parishes are feeling as a result of all this rampant criminal activity in the church, and everybody’s trying to protect their money.

One motion’s argument went: Even though the parishes have been sending money to the archdioceses and the archdioceses have been sending money to the parishes the Big Cheese whoever the hell that is (Mahony?) wants to claim that the parishes aren’t part of the archdioceses. This works both ways for the church -- the parishes don’t have to pay into the archdioceses’ bankruptcies and civil settlements and the archdioceses can claim total non-responsibility for anything that goes on in the parishes. All this is done by spending millions on attorneys to argue with each other and with the judge


Then it was over. The last motion was O/C, off calendar. I decided to ask for business cards in case I wanted to use an attorney’s name, so I could get the spelling right.

So bold as I tend to be (Yay though I walk through the valley of death) as a PTSD reeling priest rape survivor, I walked brashly right up to one of the attorneys for the L.A. Archdiocese and asked him for a business card.

He hemmed and hawed, who are you? Um, patted his coat pockets, looked sheepish and said, I don't have any more, ask Brandy outside. Wait a minute. A lawyer who doesn't want to give you a business card? I asked, Brandy? Wasn’t she the attorney in the other case? Are you all one firm? He mumbled something into his sleeve and squirmed and I decided that was fun, think I’ll do it again.

Asked another one of the church attorneys for his card and he said and who are you? I said, I’m Kay E------ and I’m a survivor of priest rape and a retired journalist and writing a blog. He said, Oh well I have a blog too, it’s to get the real truth out, and I said, oh you do that one? I’m thinking of this icky website I went to once where these hateful writers try to say all the people coming forward with claims against the church now are just trying to go after easy money . . . I don't know if that's the website but he went on, “Yeah we focus on pointing out when things are in the press that aren’t true.”

I said, yeah you really can’t believe everything you read in the mainstream press these days. That's why blogs are so great. People can post there and anybody can read anything that's written. That's the nature of journalism today, you read everything that's out there and then figure out on your own what's true.

As I rode home on the red line there was a girl sitting there looking really spaced out, puffy eyes her fried blond hair disheveled, she was apparently coming home from last night’s or last weekend’s party, wearing a short slinky dress and her bare very white legs a little open on the seat. She seemed to be totally unaware of how slutty and worn out and beaten down she looked, yawning, trying to get home from whatever she’d been up to over the three-day weekend.

That could have been me 30 years ago, the fried blond riding transit home hung over from a weekend of bacchanalia wondering why things were going wrong with my life the way they were.

I could have been a whole different person (See my story at )

There will be another busy day of motions in the Clergy Cases I and II next Jan 23rd, and I will post again then.


Add this is also here to read


Tuesday, August 24, 2010

BARE NAKED Father Daly Burst Out and Turned Himself in to Police Surrounding the Church

(Another Summer Rerun, this post first appeared March 31, 2007, at CityofAngels3 )

Dive in the files and find the felonies

It had been one short wet ride after another for the two hitchhiking boys. They’d been on the onramp for hours when more rain came. The Arizona-Calexico region got 14 inches after Hurricane Heather that August 1977, but two teenagers hitchhiking to the Haight Ashbury weren't thinking about the weather. Finally headlights approached and slowed to a stop. The boys didn’t even look in the car, just jumped inside.

The driver said in an Irish brogue that he worked and lived at a Catholic Church where there was a place for hitchhikers to clean up, even have a bed to sleep in.

Around two AM the boys burst out of the church doors, one vomited on the side of the road. They ran into the town of Holtville, California, and found a cop.

Soon, officers with weapons drawn heard loud thumps coming from the room in back of the Church where the priest lived. Then…

Out came Father John Daly totally naked, holding the right and left doors wide open with the light pouring down on him, all 250 pounds of his body billowing in the rain and early morning light.

The naked priest snarled as a young Mike Shoemaker identified the priest who sexually assaulted him through the police car window. (In late 2007 Shoemaker won a settlement with the San Diego Archdiocese over the incident.)


Summer 2006 the arresting officer Dutton testified in deposition for Mike’s case against the San Diego Archdiocese, which settled in 2007.

DUTTON: “I’ve looked at the report you've handed me and it’s incomplete.”

Q: When you say it’s incomplete, what do you mean?

DUTTON: Well the statements aren’t there, the evidence list isn’t there, the copies of the reports that I received from La Mesa and other places about him aren’t there.

Q: Are you talking about the NCIC?

A: No those are also not here. NCIC is not here CI&I is not here if I ran it, I’m sure I did, but also the police reports or whatever department reports from other law enforcement agencies are also not here in what they provided you. And we did receive those and those were made part of the investigative file.


Holtville is a small town today and in 1977 with no radio, TV, or news report, word got out that Father Daly had been arrested. Dutton testified that people from town started to call, with stories about Father Daly coming out of the rectory with a young boy, and his fly was open.

Mike and Mark stayed in a nearby motel sleeping for several days after John Daly’s arrest.

As they slept the Catholic protect-the-perpetrator machinery went into action.

(This letter is in the exhibits from Mike Shoemaker’s case against the San Diego Archdiocese, a letter from the local church attorney to Bishop Maher in San Diego explaining how the local parish dispatched of the Father John Daly problem:)

To Bishop Maher
San Diego
Diocesesan office for apostolic Ministry in Alcalala Park, San Diego

“Mr. Flourd, attorney, contacted me, Mark A. Medaer, voluntarily, to engage my assistance in a legal matter.

“On Friday Father John and myself were called to the office of Mr. Flourd. We were told that the District Attorney considered the case “a chargeable criminal complaint.” Mr. Flourd echoing hints from other sources, advised us that if Father John would leave his post he thought some authorities could “argue down” the case with any dissenting parties.

Father John and myself consulted. At 2:00 PM Father Daly decided to go to El Carmelo Retreat, awaiting instructions from the Bishop. (sloppy typing here) Mr. Flourd was advised of the move. He would contact the District Attorney. At 3:00 PM Father John left.

I contacted Father Richard Duncanson and Msgr William Cooney.

“NO COMPLAINT BEING FILED, (their caps) I did not think it necessary to contact the Chancery, knowing furthermore that our Bishop and Chancellor were absent.

John Daly went to El Carmelo Retreat House on August 17, three days after the incident, “upon the advice of Mr. Lewis Flourd, attorney at El Centro,

and myself

Mark Medaer episcopal vicar in the Imperial Valley.”


January 22 2007

Mike opens the package from his attorney, a copy of the church’s Motion for Summary Judgment granted last week on his case. Mike wasn’t as upset as he’d expected to have his case dismissed. It just meant a few more years of legal lunacy. Other cases had been appealed for disallowed testimony so it was just a matter filing an appeal. (UPDATE: Since his case was dismissed within the same year as the settlement in others in the Coordinated Cases and plaintiff had no time to appeal, Mike got a settlement anyway, ah California law if only all states were so progressive....)

It was the wording of the Motion for Summary Judgment itself, a collection of sentences in the first paragraph of the introduction by Brandy Stanton Cody of DiSante & Freudenberger in San Diego
that still to this day make Mike break out in a string on invectives:


“Nor was plaintiff a naïve, sexually inexperienced child when the events occurred," reads the first paragraph of the motion.

"A year before the alleged assault, when he was 15, Plaintiff began a long-term relationship with an adult male airline pilot in Arizona in which he exchanged sexual favors for flying time in the pilot’s plane,” writes Brandy Cody.


“It's never consensual sex with a 15 year old.” -ADA Alexandra Cabot, Law & Order Special Victims
“I was set up like a bowling pin by this guy,” Mike said recently. “And Brom's lawyer places me on intellectual and chronological equal footing with him. I was just another adult, equal to his 30 years or so of college and government training....according to this attorney, I apologize, but this female lawyer is just plainly evil in my sight. I know of no other way to describe her.”

CHURCH ATTORNEY calls it consensual sex

For Mike at age 15 waking up in a room behind a church altar to find a burly Irishman sucking him off was traumatic, doubly so when he found out the ephebophile was a priest.

Brandy Stanton Cody denigrated Michael with a low blow attack that makes it now open season on Brandy Stanton Cody, Associate, Carlton DiSante & Freudenberger LLP, 2001-present. (March 2007)

Church attorneys investigated Mike’s life and found that when he was 15 and hanging out at an airport, he’d been molested by a pilot.

At age 15 Mike was a preying pedophile’s dream target: boy living in trailer with mom and grandmother, some neglect, starved for father figure and support. For Brandy Stanton Cody to represent this earlier molest as a consensual relationship between Mike and an older man --

To make a troglodyte statement that a 15 year old is responsible for whatever sexual situations he finds himself in -

Brandy Stanton Cody, church attorney, has apparently sold her soul to the devil.

I’m sure the San Diego Archdiocese paid Brandy Stanton Cody dearly to smear Mike and twist history, even call Mike a 15 year old predator himself, anything to protect the church’s assets and slam down on the plaintiffs.


Church Attorneys Deserve Little Respect

As Brandy faced the judge, she was standing in the middle of a line of male lawyers, and I was staring at their backs:

I saw: pants, pants, pants, pants, silky black sheen stockings covering calves and a skirt that barely touches the knees, pants, pants.

Don’t think for a minute that attorneys don’t plan their wardrobes for effect.

BRANDY STANTON CODY works at (as of March 2007)
Carlton DiSante & Freudenberger
4510 Executive Drive, Suite 300
San Diego CA 92121
858 – 646-0007

Call her. Or better yet, call her boss and complain that she had the audacity to argue that 15-year-old boy is in a consensual relationship with a man in his forties



Soon after putting some clothes on Father Daly, Dutton ran an NCIC on the station telex. The National Crime Index machine using 1977 state of the art technology printed out an arrest record of Fr. John Daly, for sexual molestation, one in La Mesa a few years earlier and another from San Antonio, Texas.

Where did the NCIC report go from Father Daly’s arrest record?



Dutton says that when word got out in Holtville that he'd arrested Father John Daly, several community members contacted him.

“A couple of them said that they recall him coming out of the children’s playroom where children were in the playroom, with his zipper down," he testified in Mike's case.

Q: Okay anything else they recall?

A: They were suspicious of him. But these conversations occurred from community inquiries after the decision had been made not to file charges

Eerily similar words were used in the vicar’s letter to Bishop Maher in San Diego:

“NO COMPLAINT BEING FILED, (their caps) I did not think it necessary to contact the Chancery

Daly spent a month at the retreat house then took another assignment as a priest, and apparently never acted out again. Or at least he never got caught.


Mike talked recently about why he’d filed the civil case against the San Diego Archdiocese in the first place:

“In 2000 Boston was on TV every night. I did not think that I was affected by the abuse. I had never held a job longer than 18 months, had insomnia, was diagnosed bi polar, but these news stories reminded me of the past and I began to wonder what had happened to Daly. I was certain that he had gone to prison for what he did to me. I emailed the Holtville newspaper ( and only them ) asking what had happened to Daly. They never responded, but KFMB TV in San Diego did instead. The new producer told me that Daly had got off, pardon the pun. because the bishop interviened."

Mike hired an attorney and waited.

He described what happened when he and Mark ran out of the little room behind the church altar, where Daly had a pedophile's pantry of audio tapes of boys talking about sex (exhibits listed on what's left of the police report).

The room was not the rectory. Daly lived in a different building on the church lot. This room was a pedophile den directly behind the altar - a fold out bed, a room divider and another bed, a portable shower -- little else.

"Mark held a large coffee cup over Daly's head, ready to bury it in Daly's head per my profane instruction... while I got Then I held the pipe I had found while Mark got dressed. During this time we made it very very clear to Daly that if he so much as twitched we do all in our power to stop/kill him."

It was only when he returned with Dutton that Mike realized there was another bed behind the divider. Daly had insisted he had to get in bed with the boys because it was the only bed, and the sleeping bags were drenched. He had to be naked as his clothes were wet too.



Did Callahan shred personnel files that were needed as evidence?

This is the case where Monsignor Steve Callahan of San Diego admitted in deposition that in the mid nineties he systematically destroyed personnel documents that dealt with crime or psychological problems such as alcoholism. He used a shredding machine in the basement of University of San Diego’s student pastoral center.

But Callahan did not become Chancellor of San Diego until 2002. The Chancellor is the person who maintains personnel records, so this destruction of files may have been after 2002, or even after 2003, after the one year window for civil action opened in California.

There’s a good chance the Chancellor was destroying files in 2003 after knowing those files would be needed for evidence in upcoming lawsuits.


One way to find out when Monsignor Steve Callahan shredded personnel files would be to get him to testify again.

This much did come up in Callahan's deposition in Mike’s case.
Q: So did you keep a summary of the documents?


Q: And did you have Bishop Brom’s full permission to do this?


CHURCH ATTORNEY: Objection, asked and answered.

Too late. A fact about a bishop slipped through.

Callahan also mentioned destroying Servants of the Paraclete files with his shredder. Servants of the Paraclete is a spa in New Mexico that in the sixties and seventies was a “recovery center” for priests with sexual problems.

MONSIGNOR STEVEN CALLAHAN needs to talk at more depositions.


If only the church hierarchy had done the right thing as soon as they knew instead of avoiding prosecution and scandal.

They didn't even avoid prosecution and scandal, just put it off a few generations and created thousands of damaged people reeling through life

People like me, with diagnoses like mine: Prolonged PTSD with continued re-victimization (from age 5 to age 45), and now in my late fifties, just PTSD probably for the rest of my life…


STORY FIRST APPEARED HERE when City of Angels was in its infancy:

Saturday, March 31, 2007

Cover-ups, Destruction of Documents, Concern for Pedophile Pederast Priests Over Children in Just One Clergy Case on San Diego Archdiocese

Dive in the files and find the felonies

"Out came Father John Daly totally naked, holding the doors wide open."It had been one short wet ride after another...
Summer Rerun posted by Kay Ebeling, Producer, City of Angels Blog

1 comment:

Mike Shoemaker Commented:

Hi Kay- Actually neither Mark or myself were nude, we were both retained our BVDs..which I found around my ankles when I woke up. Otherwise it's all accurate. The SD diocese still does not list the case as credible.

Read the post at its original location:

More to Come...




Sunday, September 15, 2024


A big part of the pedophile priest story that still has not come out is, the world lost the contributions of thousands of people like me who had so much to offer to the world, but errant behavior from being sexually assaulted by a priest at early age prevented us from succeeding. After interviewing dozens of victims, I think about all the jobs many of us had and lost because of weird sexual behavior, planted in me by the fingers of a pervert priest in my case

I could have been a contender, instead I'm a broke blogger. I have a brain that absorbs details in seconds and knows what's happening before most everyone else. I had so many Comm jobs that should have led to success. But I always screwed it up by screwing the wrong person, or rather persons. The brain part is the worst. The behavior caused by sexual molestation at age 5-6 screwed me up before I even got started.

“Father Horne he’s so handsome,” as mom used to coo. 

At one point in my life when I was about five, my own father tried to kill me. When I fell out of the dump truck onto the ground everyone said I died, or seemed to be dead, then I “popped back up and started running around like a chicken with its head cut off," my aunt used to say. Considering the time and circumstance, it's likely my dad felt he had to get rid of me to make me stop babbling about Father Horne and showing people what he'd done to me with his fingers.  

Over the next decades, several times in my life my sexual behavior got me very close to dead, but something always rescued me. 

When I found myself in 2007 the only journalist covering the 660 lawsuits against the LA Archdiocese re its pedophile priests, I began to wonder, did I really die that day in the dump outside Bartlett Illinois? Sometimes I even wonder if I'm still Kathryn anymore since that day; perhaps some alien journalist entity entered me before I popped back to life, knowing that at some point I was going to be the only journalist writing about the pedophile priests.

Their crimes were at the bottom of all my outrageous behavior, and that of about a hundred thousand other persons on Earth in USA at the time,  and someday I’d have to blog about it. And I did here:

CofA Blog 2007

then CofA Blog 2008

and CofA Blog 2009
and CofA Blog 2010
and CofA Blog 2011

Now at age 76 when I don't write about that subject anymore, I feel so COMPELLED sometimes to blog and post comments and point out evil and corruption and crimes against innocent persons anywhere under any circumstance. 

I even have a fantasy that helps me find the strength to write this story:

I'm an eternal journalist, I travel the universe to different planets where I enter and live and work as a communicator in whatever medium they use on that plane. Along with other eternal journalists who I encounter along the way, we work to rid that world of whatever atrocity against life is taking place there.  

And I'm still here on Earth after 76 years and I still have more to report.

Meme by  Paolo Palazzo 

Weblogged Book by Kay Ebeling, Prologue