Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Ch3 Track the rise of hate in USA in reactions to my blog about pedophile priests 2011 to present, they coincide

Kay Ebeling

Pick up your trauma and make it a sword - Angela Shelton

Berkeley Springs WV to Chicago to Antelope Valley to Lake Tahoe

“The Moon landing was faked, everyone knows that.”

I stared at him, his pinkish white face, trimmed hair, government issue quality eyeglasses, and asked, “Didn't you say you were an engineer?”

“NASA Goddard Spaceflight Center thirty years retired,” he said proudly. He was beaming at me with an impish look. 

“But…” I was uncharacteristically mum.

That was first time I encountered the phenomenon of smart Americans repeating goofy disinformation, which has become an epidemic causing permanent damage in our nation today.  

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