Sunday, September 22, 2024

Ch. 6 Today 1

USA sided with pedophile priests, and soon after, the nation fell Chapter six

Here it was, the fusion of anger at pedophile priest victims and anger at anyone targeted by right wing hate media, the synergy of hatreds, right in front of my eyes. 

Kay Ebeling

Tahoe 2013 to present 

We repeated the time of the interview at least four times in the phone call, which was strange. Then I ended up sitting for more than a half hour waiting for her, then she insisted I had the time wrong not her. I ordered and paid for another five dollar carrot juice.

Unpleasant. When I asked for carrot juice, she glared at me as if to say don’t expect her to pay for it. From the start, this interview was not going well. Her hair was white and less than half inch long around her skull. Her nose pointed down over pinched lips. Displeasure had been on her face for so long, it had etched permanent wrinkles into her over-sunned skin.

I tried to conduct civil conversation. She too was from L.A., but now here with her husband. “How do you like it here?” she asked. I said, “It's beautiful wonderful but I didn't think it would be so hard to get people to visit me here.” At this she got animated, even a flash of friendliness on her face. “I know I didn't expect that either.”

Me 2020 age 72
I'm thinking, this won’t go so bad after all. So I opened up to her. Listened attentively as she told me they sold the home near LAX her family had lived in for more than forty years for twenty-first century prices and moved to Tahoe. 

So today she could casually throw into a conversation: 

“Now we live in the Keys, Tahoe Keys, belong to the yacht club.”

I snorted, “The yacht club?” A few minutes ago she'd told me she was a retired school teacher. She heard the scorn in my voice. She's a kind of nouveau riche that isn’t really riche… people come to this small rural town after selling houses in expensive places, and then they use that one shot real estate cash to pretend they have been upper class their whole lives; but it shows in their very DNA, their bent-back bone structure, motley hands, that they are just working class trying to pass- but I digress. 

I continued to be friendly because I wanted to be a volunteer server at the weekly dinners for homeless and low income people that are real popular in South Lake Tahoe. The local paper said contact her if you want to volunteer, so I said, “Look, I haven’t met anyone since moving here. Because I work overnight in my home office, and when I go out after work early in the morning, I don't meet people. Not so far. because almost no one is out and about the hours I am here. So I want to be one of the servers at the weekly dinners, not the one at the Catholic church, the other one. I want to bring the plates to people…”

She was scowling at me and interrupted: “What I need right now is someone to write fundraising appeals.”

Huh? I hadn’t told her I'm a journalist. I had just told her I crave being in a crowd of humans once a week.

The conversation deteriorated as I was nervous and babbled about the food bank where I used to volunteer in Eureka, how they’d give us bags of food to take home afterwards. She was glaring harder so I added- “but that's not the only reason I want to volunteer, it's not to get free food” but then I babbled that the cinnamon rolls we gave away in Eureka were still fresh from local bakeries, my voice becoming timid. 

I’d lost contact with the person across from me. 

I felt like I’d just gained twenty pounds. Bloated in the booth behind two empty carrot juice containers, I continued to explain, it's not that I want free food, I want to, really need to volunteer because I need to get out and meet people.

But she did not listen and instead she told me they have to raise money to pay the Churches who host the weekly dinners.

My mouth fell open, “You have to pay the churches?”

“For utilities. yes, Different groups provide the food, we thank them in the paper, but there's gas and electricity to cook and serve all those meals, keep the lights on. The churches aren’t rich, you know.”

“I think the churches should donate it all, I mean they should-”

That did it, napkin slapped on the table, handbag snapped shut under her bony fingers. She got up and before walking off, turned back to me and spit out these words:

“I think journalists are the most despicable human beings on earth,” and in her size two city girl dress, she huffed off.

Coincidentally, hate radio stations and Fox News spinoffs were repeating that same phrase around that time, 2014: “Journalists are the most despicable human beings on earth” or words to that effect. 

Later I did what I should have done before the interview, googled her name. That school she worked for in L.A. was part of the Archdiocese corporate structure, a tony coastal Catholic high. Probably she had googled me before calling to interview me and seen I'm one of the more vocal pedophile priest survivors. She probably set up the whole interview just so she could say something despicable like that to me.

There it was, the first obvious sign of Catholic extremism and right wing extremism, the two colliding, right before my eyes.


Because when she stalked off, I thought her rejection had been because I'm overweight and wanted free cinnamon rolls. And I wasn't really overweight...


2019- weird bullying incident in senior building where I live, after I trust one woman one time and show her my blog about pedophile priests; soon dozens of old ladies are snarling outside my window, one even threw a bat through my door. Then same ones who bullied me for writing about priests who molest children went on to be MAGA Trump supporters. So I keep to myself these days.... 

THIS CHapter I hope to post some of the hateful things people post at me on social media except I haven't been saving them and have to instead make up a lot of hateful dialogue and I don't want to do that. 

So "Today" is not yet ready to be written. 

Oh wait I forgot about the South Tahoe Community Patriots group on Facebook run by a city councilwoman, who without ever meeting or interacting with me, conducted a cyber stalk on me in that group. It may still be going on, I don't want to know. Only thing she could have known about me at that time was that I'm a pedophile priest victim; her husband is the son of a Baptist who ran that Church all through this region up to 1970s. They took a trip to Russia together in 2000 at V Putin's invitation that I only figured out AFTER she led her little Patriots' Group anti-Kay campaign. Read about them here: 


I think we have a Putin mole in South Lake Tahoe politics: Tami Wallace, council member / ex mayor / ubiquitous appointee to everything

in one five minute google search, talk about Instant Karma.) 

Part 2 of this story is here:

Someone told a South Lake Tahoe city councilwoman to turn on me without her ever meeting me; in fact the MAGA madness is so awful in this community that the main reason I am writing this online book / series is to make enough money to move out of here. In the year 2000 Russia was in the first years of Putin running everything that it is in today still.
October 1: Caller to Thom Hartmann brings up how it seems all the insurgent Republicans are extreme right wing Catholics, Hartmann lists JD Vance plus all the Supremes who are converted Catholics – which to me means they joined After the pedophile priest crisis hit and no priests or bishops suffered for it. My theme about the connection between how USA reacted to pedophile priest victims and the rise of the insane right wing in our politics continues to play out before me as I watch computer screens on top of a mountain. Eerie
Today I live a life so isolated, it should make me depressed, except I think I'm exactly where I need to be at this moment. When I worked at NASA in the 1970s-80s, I learned about the planet heating too fast. way back then. I've also seen the political chaos developing in recent decades. Since I have no reason to stay in dangerous places, no family and few friends, those mostly persons I've only known through social media, going back to 1990s but still only online, no in-person, intimate friends or relationships… 
I can live anywhere. So in 2015 I moved to South Lake Tahoe and got into senior, protected housing, just in time, as this is a good place to hide.

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